Positive Affirmations

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Hey everybody…Want some free stuff.I was recently searching over the internet and I found this cool book.This is a self help book which is on affirmations.Affirmations are basically some quotes which you say over and over again to implant them in your subconcious mind.You kind of reprogram your subconcious mind with affirmations.This is like training […]

Jane Eyre

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First published in 1847,this book has remained classic for over a century.It is one of the most read romantic novels of all time.It’s about a woman named Jane.She is strong-willed and is not afraid of what the world might think about her. She has her faults and openly declares her all too human nature. She’s […]


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This book ,like Hunger games is set up in future.It is set up in Chicago,where society is divided into five factions, representing five key human characteristics: Abnegation (the selfless); Candor (the honest); Amity (the peaceful); Erudite (the intelligent); and Dauntless (the brave).   Sixteen-year-olds must choose between the faction they were born to and trained for, […]